ARCH Final Event

20 July 2022, 09:00 - 17:00

Hamburg, Germany - International Maritime Museum

ARCH Final Event

This event marks the closing of the ARCH project:


  • Bring the project to a close
  • Showcase project results (tools, etc.) from ARCH and other projects
  • Provide a high-level event to raise visibility of the theme of resilience and cultural heritage
  • Cite publication to “set the scene” with the state of play, given project outcomes
  • Incorporate/involve and highlight the EU Task Force
  • Provide networking opportunity

Registration for this event has closed.



8:15AM Registration

9:00AM Welcome Address

9:30AM Roundtable Discussion - Setting the Scene for Resilience and Cultural Heritage: State of Play

11:00AM Coffee Break

11:30AM Pitch Session: Introducing the ARCH Tools

12:30PM Lunch Break at Maritime Museum

2:00PM Interactive Breakout Session - City Journey: ARCH from Start to Finish

3:30PM Coffee Break

4:00PM Report-back session from Interactive Breakout Session

4:15PM Experiences from Other Projects

5:00PM Closing Remarks

20:00 Consortium and Speaker Dinner and Boat ride through the Hamburg Pilot Site

